Friday, April 6, 2018


Friends, colleagues, parishioners and curious people:
Please know how welcome you are and how much I appreciate your presence with me as I begin a new journey into media, my personal faith discovery/growth and a deeper look into the reality and mystery of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.

Admission of Guilt:
I freely admit and repent that I have been more prone to allow my intellect and curiosity to be challenged by God rather than open my heart to be discipled and loved by God.  I hope to bring both of these together this year as I journey through the bible in message preparation, study and a personal prayer/meditation time where I reveal and open my heart to a deeper relationship with God through the presence of His Holy Spirit expressed through His Son my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.  Big Breath...  I'm sure that was a run-on sentence, but I'm good with the fact that it expressed my thoughts, hopes and fears.

The Journey:
I am inviting you to read the entire Word of God with me over the next year.  I will be reading 25 chapters each week (5 each day M-F).  Each Sunday that I am in front of the church I will deliver a message on where I have discovered the Expression of God, which scripture calls and we affirm to be our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.  In other words, where did I see Christ.  I will write in this blog each Friday morning some of those discoveries.  Here's the thing, I'm going to write this to my grandchildren.  Feel free to comment, affirm, argue, reason or challenge as you see fit, but know that ultimately I want to express for future generations of my family the faith God has placed within my heart and how that faith is grounded and rooted in Jesus Christ as He is revealed in the Holy Word of God.

Prisca Theologia:
For anyone who is curious about the blog title let me explain.  In a very rough way this translates to mean "Ancient Faith".  I have chosen this name because it reflects my belief in the ideas of our faith that are reflected in the ancient creeds of the church.  For my peers who might find this a bit strange from me, take heart,  I am not a neoplatonist and I do not agree with the ways most in history have labeled this "ancient faith".  I do, however, believe there is an ancient faith that was given to us by God as He reveled Himself through the witness of His Word.   In particular, I hold the Nicene Creed to be the bedrock of my expressed belief in God the Father, God the Son and God the Holy Spirit.  "Holy, Holy, Holy Lord God Almighty"

Yol Bolsun (may there be a road),

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